Virtex is a non-GMO crush facility in Saskatoon, Sk. Our facility is producer owned and controlled paying profits back to its farmer owners. With a state-of-the-art Refinery, and the Expeller approach, Virtex can deliver both refined and unrefined oils. The plant is completely versatile to supply all sectors of the market demand.
Our crush facility produces:
- non-GMO refined, non-solvent canola oil
- non-GMO unrefined expeller pressed, non-solvent canola oil,
- non-GMO canola meal (high fat)
- non-GMO canola seed
- Hulless Barley
Also at this facility our sister company North Prairie Family Farms produces:
- non-GMO cold pressed canola oil
- non-GMO Refined oil

Our Process
Refined Oil is fully processed removing colour, taste and nutrients. This results in an oil with a higher smoke point making it an excellent choice for high temperature frying and deep frying along with baking where no flavour or colour from the oil is desired.
Unrefined, Expeller Press oil is a solvent free mechanical process that uses a screw type machine to extract oil from the seeds. This process retains most of the nutrients and flavour from the canola seed. The canola seed contains on average 44% oil with the balance being canola meal which is marketed into the feed grain sector for hogs, poultry, etc. Extraction rate of the oil from the seed is between 74% and 85% depending on the end user market. This oil is ideal for wholesale to refineries.
Cold Pressed Oil or more commonly known as extra virgin means no heat or chemicals have been applied. The process involves pressing the seed only once to extract the oil. This process maintains the highest quality of colour, taste and nutrients which can be destroyed once heat is applied. This oil is excellent for salads, marinates, sautéing, frying and baking adding flavour and colour to any dish. Cold pressing does mean the smoke point is lower than a refined oil. To learn more about cold pressing visit North Prairie Family Farms.
Our Certifications:
Our processing facility in Saskatoon is certified with:
- HACCP- GMP compliant – general principles of food hygiene bringing high quality, safe grain products to the market everyday.
- Non-Gmo Project Certified
Processing Capabilities
Utilizing modern equipment and the latest in cleaning and sorting technology, we provide quality grains that meet food buyer requirements.
Packaging Options
- Bulk containers
- Bulk totes
- Bulk jugs
- Bottling (glass and plastic)